SW Minister endorses Dormen mentors

A briefing meeting was held recently in Weymouth with Rt Hon Jim Knight, MP for South Dorset and also the Government’s Minister for the South West. It was attended by Vivian Dunn, Dormen’s Programme Manager, and Tony Garvey, one of Dormen’s experienced business mentors.

After hearing about Dormen – Dorset Business Mentoring – and how it operates, Jim Knight said: “I was very interested to hear about Dormen, which is undoubtedly making a valuable contribution to businesses and the local economy in Dorset. I am particularly grateful to all the volunteers who give freely of their time and experience, and so make it all possible. The Government supports mentoring schemes in many forms right across the UK, as they can be extremely useful and represent remarkable value for money.”

L-R: Vivian Dunn, Rt Hon Jim Knight MP, Tony Garvey

L-R: Vivian Dunn, Rt Hon Jim Knight MP, Tony Garvey