We are rebranding! Read on….

As a service Dormen has served over 1500 businesses, offering owners and those in management roles the opportunity to be matched with experienced and senior businesspeople across all sectors who volunteer and train as mentors.

We practice what our Mentors preach in reviewing our goals and business plan regularly. As we approached our recent plan we recognised how far the service has come and the extraordinary offering it is. As we look to build on our success by building awareness of the unique resource that is our programme, the time is right to refresh our brand and communications.

We are therefore delighted to have established new branding which will see us renamed as Dorset Business Mentors.

Much of our new collateral is completed, it is just the website to tweak before it goes live. So keep an eye out and we look forward to your feedback! We will also be launching our first newsletter and there will be an opportunity to sign up to this on the new site. In the meantime, please feel free to email: marketing@dormen.org.uk with your name, company name and email and we will add you to our mailchimp list in advance.