Country Homes features Dormen client

The latest issue of 'Country Homes & Interiors' magazine features an article about Jane Dennison and Richard Lee's business, Plankbridge Hutmakers. Located near Puddletown, the business produces Shepherd's Huts, and has grown considerably over the last few years.

Plankbridge Shepherd's Huts, Dorset

Richard and Jane have worked with a Dormen mentor for some time and have found their mentor Tony Garvey’s help extremely beneficial. ‘Having someone with so much experience visiting us each month to discuss the business has been absolutely invaluable,’ says Jane.

Vivian Dunn of Dormen says: ‘The key thing about running a small business is that it can very lonely. Business owners don’t have anyone to talk their problems over with and often need a sounding board. For instance, if a business isn’t doing as well as it should be, they may have ideas to address the problem but want to talk to someone about it. The mentors don’t give business advice but they help the client explore what they do well, what they can achieve and help them work out a route map to help them get there by challenging and questioning them.’

If you would like to read the full article, click here.

To visit the Plankbridge website, click here.