New Videos make the case for Mentors
15 new Dormen Video Case Studies have just been completed and added to the Dormen website. They were filmed late last year and show 15 of our business clients – from right across Bournemouth, Dorset & Poole – talking about their experiences of working with their Dormen mentors. They range from a furniture maker to a face painter, a fish and chip shop to an HR service, a charity to a Dorset pub.
All the videos, together with those that were produced in the past, can be viewed on the Dormen website at under the ‘Individual case studies’ heading.
Teresa Allwood, Dormen’s Programme Manager said: “It is really good to have some brand new case studies which illustrate the great work that our volunteer mentors do to support small businesses in Dorset. They update, and add to, our existing collection of video case studies. We know from feedback that both new clients and mentors find the videos really helpful for showing what mentoring is all about and what can be achieved.”
The case studies were produced for Dormen by Full-VideoSolutions.